Just when people were getting used to the Panda and Penguin updates, Google came out and announced yet another one – Hummingbird. Although many jokes have been made about Google’s habit of frequently coming out with new updates based on animal names, the subject is a serious one for anyone who cares about search engine […]
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3 Essentials to a Successful Ecommerce SEO Campaign
Ecommerce SEO is on an entirely different level compared to local SEO and other standard forms of organic SEO. Attaining top search rankings for product-related keywords is no easy accomplishment. (more…)

What Can Social Media Professionals Learn From Traditional PR?
Many brands and organisations now rely upon social media to carry out the bulk of their marketing and PR activities. After all, social media has many benefits over what some people would term ‘old-fashioned’ techniques, and it can be an excellent way to disseminate information and improve brand image even on a low budget. (more…)

What Digital Marketeers Can Learn From Fiat’s ‘Motherhood’ Rap Video
Fade in to cereal cascading from a bowl. A hip-hop beat kicks in as the camera pans over a filthy carpet festooned with Cheerios, discarded toys and up into a close-up of an attractive Uggs-toting young mother who breaks into a 3 minute rap about the joys of motherhood. (more…)

3 Reasons Why You Need to Integrate Social Media in Your Organic SEO Strategy
The big picture of organic SEO is drastically evolving. In essence, organic search marketers need focus on engaging with real people, and less about keyword rankings. Why? (more…)

Top 6 Ways to Promote Your Awesome Online Content
You’ve invested time and effort into researching and writing your article. You’ve sourced some great images and videos to support your wonderful words and have settled on a superb place to publish your piece. That’s it right? Time to put your feet up? (more…)

Does Social Media Really Affect Rankings?
Ever wanted to know what the most effective way to boost your website’s search ranking was? Results from a study by SEO firm Tasty Placement give new insight into what sorts of online advertising activities are the most effective in terms of SEO power. The study tracked six different websites, each promoted on different social […]